Get the best deal for Global Decor Set of Wine Pourers, Set of 2 is now available. This awesome Global Decor Set is currently on sale, you can buy it right now for only $15.02 and usually delivered in 24 hours.
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Purchase Global Decor Set of Wine Pourers, Set of 2 deal. Best deal available for you on Global Decor Set at Best prices. Search for lowest prices.
Item Description
Global decor's bar pro wine pourers make entertaining easy. This is the perfect accessory for your well stocked bar. Simply remove the plug in the stopper before pouring, and replace it to store your wine. Great for serving at parties, never drip wine on the carpet again.
- Serve with elegance
- Eliminates drip from pour
- Stopper seals the wine airtight
- Packaged in a set of two
- Perfect for parties and hosting
Customer Reviews
I bought these yesterday at a store for a low price, but checked here 1st to see if there were any reviews. Since the only review had one star I decided i would speak up for this product! I read that they had cut someone so i was careful installing them and I had no problems at all. I enjoy the addition to my at-home wine experience, it looks very nice watching the wine (red or white) pour over the chrome and into your glass, and the stoppers seem like they create a nice seal for preservation if you dont use the whole bottle. if they break easily or anything i will update my review, but so far so good, a nice detail, that i'm sure guests will notice as well.
Razor sharp pourers. Cut hand while inserting. They are made of metal, not glass as the picture appears to make them look. Rubber sleeve is kind of loose.Why are these (wine pourers in general) items so expensive? They should be $1 max each. And they should be made of glass, not plastic or metal. The plastic ones are terrible too.
Rating: 3 2 reviews
Key: Decor Set Wine, Global Decor Set, Global Set Wine, Global Decor Wine
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