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Get Screwpull WA-137P-31 Plastic Wine Pump with 3 Stoppers lowest price. lowest price available for you on Screwpull Plastic Wine at Lowest prices. Find for lowest deals.
Product Description
Screwpull Plastic Wine Pump & 3 stoppers
Strong Feat
- Wine pump for preserving the flavor of opened wine for up to 7 days
- Wide barrel requires fewer strokes to remove the air from bottles
- Ergonomic, soft-touch handle; durable plastic construction
- Includes 3 airtight stoppers that allow for storing bottles horizontally without leaking
- Measures approximately 4-2/5 by 1-1/2 by 7-1/2 inches; 5-year limited warranty
K. Gregory
We are long time Screwpull pump lovers, but when our old one stopped working and we bought this new version with the redesigned short stoppers, we were distressed to pull a stopper from a bottle the next day and find out the vacuum was not maintained. We tried that bottle again, same results. OK, must be the bottle, not the stopper! Not so, it has happened again on multiple bottles - unlike the original design. all rubber, longer stoppers (which we thankfully still have half a dozen of), the new, short stoppers are unreliable, which is not acceptable if you treasure your wine.
Rob NY
If you drink wine frequently, this is a must have. This model comes with the ribbed stoppers. The non ribbed stoppers don't hold the pressure.Would buy again.
I have to agree with the other negative reviews. This model does not hold the vacuum seal reliably. I would not buy again. I have an old vacuum seal bottle stop that has worked reliably for years. This new stopper design just does not work reliably over time. I will add stopper did work at first, but after less than 6 uses quit holding the seal.
Rating: 3.3 7 reviews
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