On sale now for Oxo Good Grips Wine Stopper & Pourer is now alive. This best item is now on sale, you can buy it now for just $0.00 and often delivered within a day.
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Buy Oxo Good Grips Wine Stopper & Pourer top product. Best deal available for you on Good Grips Wine at Lowest prices. Find for lowest deals.
Product Description
This fantastic new Good Grips Wine Stopper & Pourer combo from Oxo is an oenophile's dream! This dual function gadget allows you to seal the bottle for short-term storage or pour drip-free. It allows for even wine flow and is made of durable stainless steel.
Factor Benefits
A. Kaufman
Nice looking item, but the ball valve breaks off the metal side handle preventing the item from opening (or closing depending on the position it broke off in). I've tried two of them, and each lasted no more than 10 bottles each.
Wine lover
This is the best pourer & stopper I've ever used. I couldn't live without it on a short visit to my brother recently so brought it with me, sadly I left it behind and on my return found I was lost without it. (I have had to order internationally to replace it, I wish we could get these in the UK!)It's so useful to be able to open and close the wine with the flip of a lever - no separate stopper part to mislay - plus it aerates the wine as you pour so is especially great for red wine. I am a huge, huge fan of this product.I used mine on a daily basis for over 6 months without any problem so perhaps the previous reveiwer (who had two break) was just very unlucky.
Had this wine pourer for about a year. Works great on cheaper bottles that I dont want to vacuum. Sadly it fell off the edge of the sink into the (running) disposal which totally chunked it. Now i have to buy another.
Rating: 4.2 5 reviews
Tags: Oxo Good Grips, Good Grips Wine, Oxo Good Wine, Oxo Grips Wine
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