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Buy Boston Warehouse Frisky Business Bobble Bottle Stopper, Set of 3 top product. Top deals available for you on Boston Warehouse Business at Lowest prices. Find for best prices.
Item Description
What is that special something that the cat lover in your life doesn't have? How about the Frisky Business Bobble Bottle Stopper Set by Boston Warehouse? This super fun set of three bottle stoppers feature cat tops that actually bobble when moved. Designed to fit most bottles, these stoppers are also practical Stoppers measure 3-inch tall and come packaged in an attractive gift box. Hand wash is recommended. From Boston Warehouse - creative ideas for home entertaining.
Factor Benefits
- Set of 3 bottle stoppers
- Attractive hand painted design
- Cat tops actually bobble when moved
- Designed to fit most bottles
- By boston warehouse - creative ideas for home entertaining
Customer Opinions
Luna Serenade
I got this for my grandmother for Christmas and she loved it. It was so cute and really made her smile.
Rating: 5 1 reviews
Tags: Boston Warehouse Business, Boston Warehouse Frisky, Boston Frisky Business, Warehouse Frisky Business
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