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Buy Franmara 7818 Wine Saver Vacuum Pump Bottle Stopper top product. Top deals is presented for you on Franmara Wine Saver at Discounted prices. Search for best deals.
Product Information
Reusable, all in one vacuum pump and bottle stopper pumps air out to reseal unfinished wine. Bottle with stopper can then be stored in the refrigerator. Black and Burgundy. Dimensions: 4"x2"
Factor Benefits
- Reusable
- Saves Money
- Reduces Waste
- Easy To Use
User Reviews
T. Dorman
I drink wine often, but I don't drink a lot. Frequently I have an unfinished bottle. I have tried a number of vacuum devices designed to extend the life of an opened bottle of wine. This is the best I've found. It works, yes, but the biggest appeal for me is that fact that there are no separate pieces to keep track of and deal with. This one item is all you need to easily and effortlessly vacuum seal your bottle and have done with it. If you have about 3 of these things you should be set. Most people rarely have more than 3 bottles opened at once. No doubt the aragon devices are more effective. The big plus for this one is that it is simple, readily available in your drawer, in one piece and works well.
B. Gross
This one-piece vacuum works nicely, but it's not as elegant-looking as the separate stopper styles. Also, if you're not careful, you can get a nice pinch of skin caught while you pump. We use it, though, and it works well.
as i am the only one in the house drinking (little) wine, this is perfect keeping the wine fresh. i only need the wine to stay fresh for a week and it does the trick! the pumping is easy and thanks to a previous review regarding one piece design helped me decide on this product over the other with pump and rubber cork. it appears they all mostly work well, but if you are like me preferring simplicity, this particular one piece design will work out best!
Rating: 4.8 5 reviews
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