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Buy Liquor Pourers with Removable Dust & Bug Covers - 6 Pieces best deal. Deals available for you on Liquor Pourers Dust at Best prices. Find for lowest deals.
Product Info
This package includes six (6) quality metal liquor pourers and six (6) rubber removable dust & bug covers. The bottle pourers are chrome shaft with a molded rubber cork designed to fit most standard liquor bottles. The pourer is a medium flow pourer that is used in most national corporate restaurant chains. With this special buy, your receive the dust & bug covers free! These covers will prevent fruit flies from getting into and destroying your liquor stock. Ban The Bugs forever!
- Quality Metal liquor pourers with molded rubber cork
- Rubber dust & bug covers prevent tainted liquor inventory
- bottle pourers fit most standard liquor bottle, 750 ml and 1 ltr bottles
- Bottle pourer is a medium flow pourer used in most restaurants and bars
- Great for home as well as commercial use.
Customer Opinions
Generally these are nice drink pours. I have them in the 6 most common bottles that I go to in my home bar, and they've been a discussion piece for me and my friends. They consistently do about a 4 second shot, and overall perform as expected.The only downside(s) are the stoppers are a tad loose fitting after first use. They were nice and snug out of the package, but the flexible rings seem to be getting used to their home in the neck of a bottle and are no longer 'snug'. That said, they don't leak, and have not come close to falling out. It may be related to my second problem, the black dust/bug caps. Great idea, and a must have, however don't push them on firmly or you'll be needing pliers to pull them off. Between the sticky residue from using these spouts, and the already tight fit of the cap, I wish they more just sat on there rather than snugly fit. I just barely put the caps on now (although my friends are slower to learn not to push hard).I do recommend these, and may actually order 6 more to cap off the rest of my bar, just be aware of the quirks before ordering.
Luke Burton
These are the only liquor pourers I have ever used and they worked very well. Good seal, no leaks, even pour, I would recommend these.
Exactly what i was looking for and worked just as well as expected. Was also pleased to see spare caps as i know i will lose some eventually. :p
Rating: 4.5 6 reviews
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