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Product Description
This wine coat is designed for a wine bag from a 31 Bag-in-Box. The opening fits all standard taps and it's easy to lift and carry by the broad, soft rubber belt. The size can be adjusted by rolling or folding the belt and it stands stably on a non-slip rubber base. And if the wine is to be served chilled, there is room for an ice pack or the like.
Strong Feat
- This wine coat is designed for a wine bag from a 31 Bag-in-Box
- The opening fits all standard taps and it's easy to lift and carry by the broad, soft rubber belt
- The size can be adjusted by rolling or folding the belt and it stands stably on a non-slip rubber base.
- And if the wine is to be served chilled, there is room for an ice pack or the like.
P. Paquereau
I have had one for several years now and am very pleased with how it improves the quality of the wine. It's easy to use and clean. It largely eliminates the need to let red wines breathe for several hours.
Mrs C-
I bought the pourer after using the vinturi wine aerator. This works almost as good. What I like about this one, besides the price is it goes on the bottle as a pour spout so you don't have to hold it like the vinturi aerator. Good buy.
Shonagh D. Preston
This simple yet ingenious item is a necessity for anyone who drinks wine. It truly is a no-drip contraption. It stores flat, it's portable, it's inexpensive, it's indipensible. It makes a great gift as well. Once you get one, you'll wonder how you lived without one.
Rating: 4.5 13 reviews
Key: Menu Decanting Pourer, Menu Selection Pourer, Selection Decanting Pourer
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