Best offer for Metrokane Wine Pourer with Stopper, Black is now alive. This awesome Metrokane Wine Stopper, is now on sale, you can buy it right now for just $0.00 and often ships within a single day.
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Order Metrokane Wine Pourer with Stopper, Black deal. Top deals is presented for you on Metrokane Wine Stopper, at Discounted prices. Get for best prices.
Item Information
Black Bottle Pourer with Stopper - ABS Plastic and Rubber
- Rubber Seal means unit fits securely in bottle and does not leak
- Fits All standard bottles and can be used on wine and licquor bottles, oil bottles, vinegar bottles, and condiment bottles
- Rubber stopper insures left-over ingredients will stay fresh
- Prevents spills
Wow, who would think something as insignificant as a wine stopper could make me smile. I ordered this only because I was looking for something to purchase to get one of those 4-for-3 specials on Amazon. When we have our occasional bottle of wine, we never finish in one night and it's always been a challenge to get the cork out the second or third night. This crazy little thing works perfectly. The stopper goes in the bottle VERY easily and then you just pull the little black thing out of the stopper and pour. We store the wine on its side and it never leaks. It is so cool looking that it would make a wonderful gift. I HIGHLY recommend it!
J. Barr
Great product, pours smoothly, no drips, seals bottle, and looks nice. I bought for myself, then bought several more as they make great gifts. I highly recommend.
Kevin A. Smith
Actually works really well. I had one on a bottle of white wine in sitting in ice. The ice melted and the bottle fell over, but not a drop of water got into the bottle. It even sat that way overnight. One caveat! The bottle went from cool (enough) to very cold, so some vacuum probably formed in the bottle. That may have helped some with the seal, but seal it did. As a pour spout it works fine, minimal dripage. No noticeable change in the taste of the wine. It also looks fairly cool, and it has received comments. I import Italian wine and have used it when out with my samples.
Rating: 4.2 77 reviews
Tags: Wine Pourer Stopper,, Metrokane Wine Stopper,, Metrokane Wine Pourer, Metrokane Pourer Stopper,
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