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Purchase Red Tiptop Reusable Wine Cork top product. Deals is presented for you on Red Reusable Wine at Lowest prices. Get for best prices.
Item Information
TipTop reusable wine cork is an excellent cork replacement. Its efficiently designed to provide two functions in one. Twist once for precision drip free pouring. Twist again to create a firm seal that helps preserve flavor and freshness by preventing excess oxidation of fine wines. Fits domestic and most imported 750 ml. bottles. Made in the USA. Also available in Green Black and Blue.
Factor Benefits
- Dimensions: 1 3/16"x 2 5/8"
- Precision drip free pouring.
- Preserve flavor and freshness.
- Fits domestic and most imported 750 ml. bottles.
- Made in the USA.
Customer Opinions
I received a set of Tiptop Reusable Wine Corks for my birthday. Frankly, they don't work. It's difficult to pour wine through the cork. Worse, the cork leaks when the wine bottle is place on it side. After I complete this review, I'm throwing them in the trash.
Rating: 1 1 reviews
Key: Red Reusable Wine, Tiptop Reusable Wine
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