Get the best deal for Sailing Ship - Pewter Wine Bottle Bottle Stopper - 20-311 is becoming hot. This best item is now available, you may buy it this moment for just $18.11 and usually ships in a day.
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Get Sailing Ship - Pewter Wine Bottle Bottle Stopper - 20-311 top item. Best deal available for you on Sailing Ship Wine at Discounted prices. Get for lowest prices.
Item Description
Breathtaking effects enhance this intricately detailed clipper ship ornament.
This Collectible Pewter Wine Bottle Stopper will look great atop any wine bottle. It is heavy--about 6 ounces--and includes a ring and chain to keep it associated with the proper bottle.
Factor Benefits
- Solid Pewter Bottle Stopper
- Fits Standard 750 ml Bottles and Most other Bottles
- Includes chain and ring to keep it with the bottle
- Great Wine Lover Gift
- We offer over 200 Unique Wine Bottle Stoppers
Customer Reviews
The pewter ship broke off the cork the first day. But being a good mariner I brought out my handy tube of 3M 5200 and had it fixed better than new. 5200 is considered the "devils adhesive" once you put it on something it will never come off even if you want it to.This product REALLY does look nice and we have received great comments from guests on our boat about it. So if you buy this make sure you have some 5200 around. Us mariners call it "52 goo".
Dr. Sean
This is a very nice bottle stopper. The stopper part is a tapered cork, so it fits a wide range of bottles, and the decorative part has a nicely detailed ship, with a chain and retaining ring. It's really solid, and I don't worry about snapping the cork from the top when I use it. I think it looks great and would certainly buy another as a gift for someone.
Rating: 3.5 2 reviews
Key: Sailing Ship Wine, Sailing Ship Pewter, Ship Pewter Wine, Sailing Pewter Wine
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