Saturday, 6 July 2013

Bearded Collie Dog Wine Bottle Stopper DTB95

Best deal for Bearded Collie Dog Wine Bottle Stopper DTB95 is trending. This best product is currently available, you can buy it this moment for only $17.16 and often ships within 24 hours.

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Get Bearded Collie Dog Wine Bottle Stopper DTB95 best deal. Deals is presented for you on Bearded Collie Dog at Lowest prices. Search for lowest deals.

Product Information

If this looks just like your Bearded Collie you've got to have one!


  • Cute Dog Wine Bottle Stopper is Made of Poly Resin and Hand Painted
  • Pewter Base, with Chain and Ring to keep it with the Bottle
  • We have about 300 Dog Wine Bottle stoppers, so you should find the one you want
  • Wine Safe Cork

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