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Item Description
Swissmar has been providing quality products and service at affordable prices for more than 20 years. Swissmar's Epivac Wine Saver Set seals in the freshness of your wine, and stoppers are reusable. To preserve your wine, securely place wine stopper in bottle. Hold pump firmly in center of stopper and with the other hand, pump several times with up and down motions. (Pump minimum 10-15 times) Cease pumping when firm resistance in in pumping action is felt: this indicates a proper seal. Remove pump and store container of wine. To release wine stopper, tilt valve stem inside stopper. Remove stopper from bottle and serve.
Strong Feat
- Includes: Vacuum pump and 2 wine stoppers
- Epivac wine saver is designed to seal in freshness of remaining wine
- To use: place wine stopper in bottle, place pump firmly in center of stopper and pump until resistance is felt
- To release wine stopper, tilt valve stem inside stopper then remove and serve
- Wine stoppers are reusable
Customer Opinions
Grandmother and former teacher
I received a set as a gift and have bought several as gifts for other friends. They really do vacuum out the air in the bottle and keep leftover wine for a few days longer than normal. Especially good for red wines.
I saw this device in use at the Messina Hof Winery in Bryan, Texas... They use it in their tasting area to keep the open bottles fresher. I thought if it was good enough for a winery operation as successful as them, it would be great for me.Unless you drink a bottle in full each time you open it, you owe it to yourself to get one of these. Do not forget to order extra stoppers if you anticipate that you may have more than two varieties of wine uncorked at any given time.
This is the best wine saver we have used, I keep one in the rv and one at home. I have given them as gifts and recommend them.
Rating: 4.5 4 reviews
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