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Product Info
BevWizard Magnetic Wine Aerator, Smoother, Enhancer, Dripless Pourer
- Magnetic Wine Aerator, Smoother, Enhancer, Dripless Pourer
User Opinions
Garison Draper
This aerator has changed the way I drink wine and allowed some of my friends who don't enjoy red wine to be able to drink. It works by attaching the wine aerator to the top of the bottle, allowing the wine to pour out the spot when tilted. The magic all happens when the wine is run across a magnet that helps open up the wine to allow air to be infused with the wine via the air hole pictured in the item picture here on amazon.I have several Wine Aerators that I have used over the last few years. Each aerator has a different effect on the wine poured through it and some are easier to use then others. This aerator is my most used aerator as it is both easy to use and opens up the wine well. I love how it fits on top of the bottle and stays on when I pour. I can just attach it and forget it. It also has a no-drip tip that works well compared to strait pouring.I don't know exactly how the magic that this aerator can pull off, but it's opened up wines that never worked well through other aerators. With that said, there are some malbecs that I enjoy that I preferred other aerators with as this one made it have a metallic like taste. Overall I understand that the mellower taste this produces is not for everyone, but this is the one I turn to first when I enjoy wine. I enjoyed it enough to purchase the one they have for Whiskey that allowed me to enjoy some inexpensive scotch from Trader Joes.I recommend the BevWizard.
Gail D. Ng
Love the product. Wine tastes so much better and I can sleep all night after a couple pf glasses. Wine used to keep me awake all night.
Rating: 5 2 reviews
Tags: Magnetic Wine Aerator,, BevWizard Wine Aerator,
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