Best deal for Nautical Cook Chef Lobster Wine Cork Bottle Topper is now hitting the market. This cool item is currently on sale, you could purchase it now for only $12.99 and usually delivered in 24 hours.
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Purchase Nautical Cook Chef Lobster Wine Cork Bottle Topper deal. lowest price is presented for you on Cook Chef Lobster at Best prices. Find for lowest prices.
Product Info
Nautical Cook Chef Lobster Wine Cork Bottle Topper
Factor Benefits
- 2 1/2 inches high
- Hand sculpted and hand painted ceramic
- Sturdy cork stopper
- Fits standard wine or cider bottles
User Reviews
Karen J
I bought the exact same wine topper while in Maine several years ago.Was so happy to be able to find another one for a friend as a present. (she was envious of mine)
Rating: 5 1 reviews
Tags: Cook Chef Lobster, Nautical Cook Chef, Nautical Chef Lobster
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