Best deal for Cat Bottle Stopper in Art Glass is now hitting the market. This cool Cat Bottle Art is currently on sale, you can buy it right now for just $16.99 and usually ships in 24 hours.
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Product Information
This bottle stopper is constructed of highly polished stainless steel with a large rubber seal to accommodate different sized bottles.
Beautifully designed, this wine or bottle stopper is adorned with a black and white cat.
Impress family and friends at your next gathering with this unique hand blown glass wine and bottle stopper.
Dimensions: 5"H x 2"W x 1"
Ships in satin lined blue gift box for easy gift giving
- Beautifully designed, this wine or bottle stopper is adorned with a black and white cat
- bottle stopper is constructed of highly polished stainless steel with a large rubber seal to accommodate different sized bottles
- Dimensions: 5"H x 2"W x 1"
- Ships in satin lined blue gift box for easy gift giving
Rating: 0 0 reviews
Key: Bottle Stopper Art, Cat Bottle Art, Cat Bottle Stopper, Cat Stopper Art
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