Get the best deal for Barware, Red,Door Knob Wine Stopper,Metal and Glass,2.5x2.5x5.25 Inches is trending. This cool item is now available, you may buy it this moment for only $0.00 and often ships in a day.
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Order Barware, Red,Door Knob Wine Stopper,Metal and Glass,2.5x2.5x5.25 Inches best price. Best deal is presented for you on Barware, Knob Wine at Lowest prices. Get for best deals.
Product Description
Like a crystal discovered just for you, this Red Door Knob Winestopper is stunning and unexpected. The shaped glass handsomely reflects the stars outside, the candle-light inside, or looks dramatic on its own. Why use a plain winestopper, when you can preserve your favorite vinos with a stopper of spectacular sophistication?
- The size is: 2.5"x2.5"x5.25"
- Functional and decorative
- Durable metal wine stopper with a hardy rubber stop for a tight seal
- Individually wrapped and packaged in a giftable box
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