Saturday 20 April 2013

HDE® Wine Bottle Vacuum Pump Sealer Plastic Stopper

Get the best deal for HDE® Wine Bottle Vacuum Pump Sealer Plastic Stopper is trending. This best item is currently on sale, you might purchase it this moment for just $19.99 and usually ships within a single day.

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Order HDE® Wine Bottle Vacuum Pump Sealer Plastic Stopper top product. Best deal is presented for you on HDE® Wine Bottle at Best prices. Find for best prices.

Product Information

Keep your wine fresh and pleasant with a vacuum seal stopper. This plastic bottle stopper pumps out the air from inside the bottle so your wine doesn't oxidize and develop off flavors.


  • Easy to use
  • Insert the stopper and pump the top to remove air
  • Removing air from the bottle prevents oxidation, keeps wine fresh longer
  • Length: 8cm / 3.25in
  • HDE� is a registered trademark and is the only authorized seller of HDE branded products

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Lookup: Wine Bottle Vacuum, HDE® Wine Bottle, HDE® Wine Vacuum

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