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Order Farberware Bar And Wine Series Champagne Stopper top product. Deals available for you on Farberware Bar Wine at Discounted prices. Find for lowest deals.
Item Info
Farberwares's Bar and Wine Series Chanpagne Stopper is great for unfinished bottles of champagne by allowing the champagne to retain its freshness and flavor longer. It is perfect for home entertaining and is reusable.
Strong Feat
- Great for unfinished bottles of champagne
- Retains freshness and flavor
- Reuse over and over again
- Perfect for home entertaining
- Ideal barware accessory
Tom Mccall
While the Farberware champagne stopper is a few bucks more than the others being offered, it is the best stopper. Better "cork" hole plug, better spring action and chrome. This type of stopper is so easy to use and it saves the bubbly for a long time. The newer plastic stoppers are hard to use and do not last very long.
Love this champagne sealer. I love my champagne, but only drink a glass or two at a time, this keeps the rest fresh for several days after opening. (I haven't gone any longer than that before finishing it, but I'm sure it would keep it fresh longer!)
I had to toss away my previous rubber/plastic stopper that twisted on as it only lasted a few months. This stopper is durable and so easy to use.
Rating: 4.2 23 reviews
Key: Bar Wine Series, Farberware Bar Wine, Farberware Wine Series, Farberware Bar Series
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