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Purchase Estate Reserve Wine Drip Stop Ring 41-232 top product. Top deals available for you on Estate Reserve Wine at Discounted prices. Get for lowest prices.
Item Information
Controls dripping when pouring or serving wine. Soft felt lining keeps it firmly in place.
- The easiest way to keep drips of the tablecoth
- Get a drip stop ring for every open bottle
Customer Reviews
Seeing spots
Received this the other day and started using it right away. It is pretty to look at and has a nice soft collar on the inside to catch you drips.
Andrew in Illinois
This is a little effective "low-tech" device that eliminates the annoyance of wine dripping on your tablecloth, clothes, or anything else that you would rather keep stain-free. The metal feels satisfyingly heavy and solid (just the way I guessed from the picture). The inside of the ring is covered with black felt which absorbs the drip and provides a simple cushion adjustment to different size bottles. The ring stops that irritating little drop from running all the way down the side of your bottle, so that you can stop watching it nervously and focus on being your cleverest self with your guests. The nice ornamental design of the ring decorates the bottle and even dignifies it. I've bought several rings, so that when I host a party with multiple bottles open, I can put rings on all of them. They are inexpensive enough and probably won't wear off for a very long time, so the added cost per bottle over time will be negligible.The only problem that I have experienced was that the ring didn't fit one oddly shaped bottle from Argentina, but I still think that the product deserves a 5-star rating, because it works great with a wide range of bottles.
Liz DP
I really like the way it stops the drips, but it doesn't fit as snugly as I would like. It would fall off if I had it placed as it is shown in the photo. I just put my finger over the edge to hold onto it as I pour - I REALLY don't want to lose one of my wine glasses (or the wine in it!)
Rating: 4.8 6 reviews
Key: Estate Reserve Wine, Reserve Wine Drip
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