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Product Info
Keep your counters and tabletops safe and clean, by using pourers on your liquor, wine, cooking oil and vinegar bottles. You'll be amazed - if you don't already know - how much easier it is to pour with these indispensable kitchen and bar, must-have gadgets. Gain more control over your cocktails by being able to use the precise quantity of liquid, be it alcohol or mixer. Easy to use, simply remove cork or cap from bottle and slide in spout. Bottom of spout fits snuggly in bottle top and stays in place. Set of 2. Metal construction with natural cork inserts.
- Set of 2 liquid pourers
- Metal construction with natural cork inserts
- Use pourers on liquor, wine, cooking oil and vinegar bottles
- Easy to use; simply place pourer in open bottle and pour; bottom of spout fits snuggly and stays in place
- Indispensable kitchen and bar, must-have gadgets
Customer Reviews
Great pourers; they do just what they should. These work really well with olive oil, too!
Peter Silverman
Metal and cork, no plastic. Sturdy. I use a lot less oil. Cap minimizes spoiling. Inexpensive. Fits my olive oil bottles.
Richard P. Taylor
Before purchasing this set of 2 pourers I had used the plastic, ill-fitting kind that were cheap and a waste of money. These pourers are metal with real cork inserts that fit snugly into bottles and have hinged lids. The best part for me was getting them in just two days with Prime free shipping. If you're looking for pourers, this is the way to go.
Rating: 3.7 15 reviews
Key: Pourers Natural Cork
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