On sale now for Corkcicle Wine Chiller-Clear is now alive. This best Wine Chiller-Clear is now available, you can buy it right now for only $29.99 and often delivered in a single day.
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Get Corkcicle Wine Chiller-Clear best price. Best deal is presented for you on Wine Chiller-Clear at Lowest prices. Get for lowest deals.
Item Information
Chill your wine, not the bottle! Corkcicle maintains the temperature of chilled white wine for 45 minutes to 1 hour. Chills red wine from room temperature to proper "cellar" temperature. Perfectly chilled wine everytime. Keep your corkcicle in your freezer - no need for ice buckets. Hand wash between uses.Product Measures: 11.75x.75x.75Features: Manufactured in: China
Strong Feat
- Materials: plastic, cork, Food-Grade Freeze Gel
- 12" H x 2" dia.
- Hand wash only.
- Reusable
- 1. Prep: Unbox Corkcicle & remove protective wrap. Place in freezer (for at least two hours)
Sapere Aude
What a perfect idea! Wine never ends up back in the ice bucket after its opened and tends to sit on the counter and warm up. With this - not only does that not happen, it chills it faster since its in the middle of the wine rather than outside the bottle. Plus - its much easier to get back in than the original cork is! This is definitely going in a few stockings this year.
Powerful and
What a great idea the Corkcicle presents, it's one of those things you kick yourself asking "why didn't I think of it", Oh Well, I am glad I found this item, now I can pretty much cross off half my Holiday Shopping Lists, as everyone is getting one of these :)Simply place the Corkcicle in the freezer until the liquid freezes and replace your cork with The Corkcicle and it keeps the wine chilled for hours.
This thing is the coolest little thing ever. Keeps the wine cold and I love it. Always got one in my freezer.
Rating: 4.1 70 reviews
Tags: Wine Chiller-Clear, Corkcicle Wine
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