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Item Description
Ingenious construction complemented with optimal convenience. This on-bottle wine aerator does it all: serves up a perfect pour eliminates drips and fully aerates and oxidates your wine for maximum flavor and quality. Using innovative technology the vinOair wine aerator has a specially designed dual venturi chamber that pulls twice the vacuum as other leading aerators to more fully oxygenate your wine (unlocking premium flavors and aromas) while the sleek compact size makes for effortless portability. Simply place aerator on the mouth of your wine bottle smoothly pour yourself a glass and voil�-perfectly oxygenated wine in seconds! Works with both red and white wines. Size: 7'L
User Opinions
Victor Simons
I saw this little device as I was doing some surfing on Amazon. After reading the other reviews, I thought that I would order one.{Incidentally, since receiving one and using it, we subsequently ordered two more as gifts!] Our son gave us the Vinturi, which works exceedingly well, but is a little messy and a hassle when company is sitting around the table and someone wishes a refill. It becomes a distracting performance each time that it is used.The Vino-Air on the other hand, does not give the same amount of aeration to the wine as the aforementioned device does, and we do not use it when my wife and I are imbibing by ourselves. We use the Vinturi. But when company arrives, we use the Vino-Air. It makes a 'classy', non-drip pouring spout [far fewer drips on the nice, clean tablecloth!], and does a fairly good aerating job in the process. We have had multiple comments and compliments on it's effectiveness and funcionality.The price-point is also a good one.Salut!p.s. Believe it or not, we went to a very nice restaurant the other evening [The Salmon House on the Hill] and took our Vino-Air with us. Rather than ask the waiter to go through the big production of decanting our wine, we told him that 'we would pour' and inserted the device in our 'nice-but-not-stupidly-expensive' bottle that we chose. He thought that it was a super idea. He had not seen one of these before, and wanted one for himself [or so he said]. After we had finished the bottle, we simply removed the device, wrapped it in the paper napkin that we brought it in, and that was that. Love it!
I have purchased 6 of these and have given all of them away except for the one I am using. Everytime I use it someone asks me where they can buy one, and I pull one of the gift cabinet and give it to them. I will be ordering more shortly. Best little Aerator around. It is easy to put in your purse and when you are at a restaurant that does not decant wine you just pull it out and most servers are really impressed. It does almost as good a job as decanting. Would not be without it!
Finally tested this last night, and I was pleasantly surprised by this thing! Tasted a Shiraz straight from the bottle, through the Vino-Air, and after letting some sit out for a good while to breathe on it's own. Definitely could tell a difference with the Vino-Air compared to wine straight out of the bottle. And I noticed the wine that sat out was starting to taste closer to the Vino-Air but it took quite a while. For virtually instant decanting of a glass of wine, this thing is hard to beat. Might be getting more of these for Christmas presents!
Rating: 4.5 63 reviews
Tags: Wine Aerator, vinOair Wine
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